6 SEO Plugins For WordPress Blogs in 2024

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On the WordPress.org plugin repository, there are more than 1,100 SEO plugins for WordPress blogs when writing this post. Before you finish reading this post, I’m sure that figure might have increased.

Let’s be honest; no one has all the time to search 53 pages looking for the best WordPress SEO plugins for his blog. We’re all busy with the core aspects of our digital and personal lives.

To save you the trouble and time, I have done the initial research, testing, and validation and combined a list of optimization WordPress plugins for any blog – big or small.

No matter the size of your blog, you will find a plugin on this list that’s helpful in one way or the other.

Which Plugin is Used in WordPress for SEO?

Several plugins are used in WordPress for SEO; Yoast SEO is one of the most popular in pure download count. The All-in-one-SEO plugin by Syed Balkhi is another popular SEO plugin.

However, since SEO is beyond content optimization alone, other plugins are also categorized as SEO plugins. This list will include plugins for image optimization, speed, performance, user experience, etc.

With that out, let’s dive in…

Best SEO Plugins for WordPress Blogs

These SEO plugins offer several features and functions for WordPress blogs. Their features overlap, and anyone could actually do the work for you.

It comes down to preferences and available free features, especially if you consider using their free version before upgrading to a paid license.

1. All-in-one-SEO 

all in one seo - seo plugin for WordPress

For many reasons, All-in-one-SEO is one of the best SEO plugins for WordPress. It has over 3 million active installations, is easy to use for beginners, and makes optimization easy. 

Configuring the plugin is also straightforward. The setup wizard walks you through the process.

The free version is ideal and enough for beginner WordPress bloggers, but if you want more optimization features, the pro version is worth every cent.

It will save you from installing many other WordPress optimization plugins. AIO SEO works seamlessly with most WordPress blogs and business websites.

Whether it’s an e-commerce store, blogs, portfolio websites, etc…every WordPress blog can use the All-in-one SEO plugin.

AIO SEO Top Features 

  • TruSEO on-page Analysis – You can easily add focus keywords, meta descriptions, title tags, and all you need to optimize the page. You can use the built-in templates variable to insert these tags.
  • Custom User Role – This feature lets you grant specific SEO roles to users so they don’t exceed their access limit.
  • Link-Assistant – Internal link-building suggestion features.
  • Smart XML SiteMap – Automatically generates a sitemap anytime you publish or update your website. There is an option for video sitemap and Google News.
  • SEO checklist lets you analyze competitors’ keywords, discover what search terms they are optimizing for, analyze your website for on-site SEO errors, and get actionable SEO tips to fix them.
  • Rich Schema – Available in the Pro plan, you can generate rich snippet markup for products, reviews, FAQs, recipes, and more…this will improve the organic search click-through rate.
  • Social Media Integration – AIO SEO allows you to generate beautiful social media shares, which improve engagement and traffic. You can preview how your content looks on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms before hitting publish.

The plugin comes with more notable and advanced SEO features such as – local SEO, robots.txt editor, Woocommerce SEO, IndexNow, Crawl Cleanup, and Google search console integration.

It also integrates with other plugins like Memberpress and Woocommerce, and you can easily assign proper attributes (no follow, do follow,  sponsored, and UGC) to your outgoing links. 

AIO SEO Pricing 

  • Basic – $49.60/yr 
  • Plus – $99.60/yr
  • Pro – $199.60/yr
  • Elite -$299.60/yr

2. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO Plugins

Another popular WordPress plugin is Yoast SEO. It has more than 5 million active installations and is still counting. 

Like AIO SEO, Yoast offers a lite and a premium version of its WordPress SEO plugin. The lite version is ideal and enough for most beginner bloggers.

Yoast SEO is beginner-friendly, easy to set up, and allows you to optimize your content and blog for better search engine visibility.

Yoast SEO Top Features 

  • Auto-generated Sitemap – Yoast will generate sitemaps for your blog automatically. When you publish or update your blog content, it will create and submit a sitemap.
  • SEO Meta Tags – It lets you add necessary meta tags to your post – title tag, focus keyword, description, etc.
  • Content SEO checklist – Yoast will scan your content for on-page SEO optimization and report if there are errors and opportunities to improve.
  • Breadcrumb Trails – Yoast makes it easy to control your website breadcrumbs so users and search engines can understand where they are on your site.
  • Schema Markup – The lite version allows you to generate rich snippet markup for your posts, pages, reviews, products, recipes, locations, etc.
  • Webmaster Verification – Using the built-in webmaster verification tool, you can easily verify your site with search engines like Google, Bing, and Baidu.

Yoast Pricing 

Starts at $99/yr (excluding VAT)

3. RankMath

Rank Math - Plugin

RankMath is a major contender for the best SEO plugin for WordPress – the plugin offers many features and has crossed the 1 million download mark.

Like other SEO plugins, Rank Math SEO offers a lite version and a premium version of its plugin.

The lite version has helpful SEO features that let you do most of the on-page SEO tasks.

Rank Math’s lite version offers more features than Yoast’s free version; you can integrate Rank Math with Google Trend and track keywords’ positions.

The setup wizard guides you through the configuration process, so you don’t have to guess your way around necessary SEO settings.

Rank Math Top Features

  • Content AI – AI-powered content optimization feature that guides you through on-page word and keyword usage. It lets you know whether specific search terms are present in your content and the frequency of such words.
  • Google Search Console Integration – The plugin lets you integrate with the search console to share and analyze data. You can see your ranking keywords, sitemap status, coverage, etc.
  • Google Index Status – With Rank Math, you can see your Google index page status, last crawl date and time, URL inspection, and more.
  • Rank Tracker – Track your ranking keywords and see how your website performs against your competitors.
  • Schema Generator – Rank Math has lots of structured data markup to enrich your content and provide search engines with more information about your content. 
  • Import Schema From Other Websites – Rank Math has a feature that allows you to import schema markup from other websites. 

Rank Math Pricing

  • Pro – $59/yr
  • Business – $199/yr
  • Agency – $499/yr

4. MonsterInsight


Not an SEO plugin, MonsterInsights lets you bring Google Analytics into the WordPress dashboard. This lets you see your traffic and user data from your WordPress admin dashboard.

The best part is that Monster Insight simplifies the Google Analytics data so you can understand what metrics to focus your resources and time on.

The plugin tracks website metrics such as website visits, top-performing keywords, landing pages, etc.

The lite version offers basic features; if you want to experience the plugin’s full potential, you need the pro version. It is worth noting that Monsterinsights has been downloaded more than 3 million times.

MonsterInsights Top Features

  • Google Analytics Data – The core function of the plugin is the ability to view your Google Analytics data in your dashboard. You can view real-time website traffic data in your MonsterInsights dashboard.
  • Referral Traffic – Just as you do in Google Analytics, you can track referral traffic and analyze the data to know where to focus more on your promotion.
  • Performance and Optimization – You can run A/B testing, set your speed rate, and select your winning optimization sample.
  • Headline Analyzer – Write high-performing headlines that attract and increase readership. 
  • Scroll Tracking – Track how far users scroll down on your page so you can make better optimization decisions to reduce bounce rate and increase time on site and engagements.
  • Integrates With Other Tools – MonsterInsights integrates with popular plugins like Memberpress, Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, Restrict Content Pro, and more.
  • Email Summaries – The plugin emails you a weekly summary of your traffic report and tips for improving traffic and engagements.

MonsterInsights Pricing

  • Plus – $99.50/yr
  • Pro – $199.50/yr
  • Agency – $399.50/yr
WordPress Broken Link Checker plugin

On-page optimization involves several WordPress SEO checks, and links are one. SEO is not only about the content or ensuring your pages are optimized; you need to confirm your links are not leading to dead or broken pages.

Broken links are not good for search engines and user experience, so to improve optimization and user experience, you must, from time to time, check the status of your internal links.

If you have a website with several hundred pages, it could be tedious and time-consuming to find broken links manually. 

You need a plugin that shifts through your website pages and detects 404 error codes on your website. One of the best link status checker plugins is the WordPress broken link checker.

This plugin lets you detect, manage, and fix broken internal links on your website. It detects externally broken or non-responsive links, too. This allows you to fix these quickly, set up redirects, or unlink them. 

Broken Link Top Features

  • Manage Link From Plugin Interface – You don’t need to search through posts to fix any broken or dead links; from the plugin interface, you can manage and fix broken links.
  • Get Notification – The plugin notifies you of broken links on your website so you can act promptly. 
  • Link Status Classification – It categorizes broken links according to their impact on your SEO status. This lets you attend to the most critical link error first. 

Broken Link Pricing

  • Free

6. WP Rocket

WP Rocket - #1 WordPress cache plugin

Page speed and performance are critical parts of an SEO strategy; the faster a page loads, the higher its conversion rate. Applying a cache is part of what you can do to improve page speed.

WP Rocket is the best WordPress cache plugin in the market. No plugin has come close to it in terms of setup, speeding up page speed, and instant boost. 

The plugins offer many optimization features that work straight out of the box. You don’t need any technical SEO knowledge to configure it.

The only downside to the WP Rocket plugin is that there is no free version.

WP Rocket is a premium plugin only. But there is a 14-day money-back guarantee if you’re unhappy with the plugin’s performance.

You need to request a refund within 14 days of your purchase, and you will get your money back.

The plugin helps with page cache, browser cache, cache preloading, database cleanup, minification, mobile cache, GZip compression, etc.

WP Rocket Top Features

  • Optimize CSS Delivery – You can either remove unused CSS or load it asynchronously.
  • JavaScript Defer – This helps solve the render-blocking issue in page speed testing tools like Pagespeed Insight and GTmetrix.
  • Minification helps reduce file sizes and remove white spaces to make smaller files.
  • Mobile cache – WP Rocket cache mobile traffic separately.
  • Combine CSS and JavaScript Files – It helps reduce HTTP requests and speed up connection time.
  • Link Preloading – This feature improves user experience by downloading a page in the background when the user hovers over the link.

WP Rocket has many helpful speed and optimization features on this page. WP Rocket Pricing:

  • Single – $49/yr for one website
  • Plus – $99/yr for 3 websites
  • Infinite – $249/yr for unlimited websites

FAQ – WordPress SEO Plugins

What are SEO plugins?

SEO plugins are scripts, codes, or modules developed to extend the functionalities of the core WordPress blogging software. They bring more features and functions to the content management systems so you can do more and achieve more with your website. Some WordPress SEO plugins are developed to perform specific SEO tasks, while others can perform multiple complex tasks, such as JetPack.

Which SEO plugin is best for WordPress free?

It is difficult to say this plugin is the best because plugins differ in various aspects and functionalities. And every blog’s needs are different. But for reference purposes, these SEO plugins are worth listing on the best-of list…Yoast, Rank Math, AIO SEO, and WP Rocket.

Does WordPress need an SEO Plugin?

The short answer is no, you don’t need an SEO tool to run a WordPress blog. But this assumes you know more about coding and are comfortable editing core files. SEO plugins will make your task easier to complete, simplify complex blog management tasks, and help you increase efficiency and productivity.

Can I use 2 SEO plugins?

Don’t use two SEO plugins meant to do the same task. It will hurt your site’s usability and performance. Most significantly, there will be compatibility issues that might break your blog.

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  1. Hi Shamsudeen,
    I’ve used Yoast for years on several sites but with a newer blog of mine, I went with RankMath and love it. I may change my others to it as well in the coming year. Thanks for the review of these important plugins for WordPress sites.

    1. Hi, Lisa,

      Thanks for reading through and sharing your thoughts. Like you, I’ve been a fan of Yoast for years, but in my new blog projects, I tested RankMath, which seems like a better choice. Though, I’m still looking around and seeing how it compares to Yoast.

      Thanks for coming.

  2. Hi Shamsudeen,
    I use Rankmath on my blogs and can proudly say that it is the best WP SEO plugin, I’ve ever used. You disclosed the must have list of WordPress plugins that may take any blogger’s graph to the success level.

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